Life Insurance Solutions

Protect The Ones You Love With Securitas™ Financial Group’s Life Insurance Offerings.

We wish for everything to be smooth sailing, however life sometimes has a habit of taking an unforeseen path. We therefore emphasise comprehensive life insurance cover, bringing the future into the present to help make decisions right away. We aid in developing a life plan through proper financial needs assessment to ensure you and your family are prepared for potential catastrophic life events (death, disability or dreaded disease).

We look at the many components of a life plan, including insurance and investments for retirement income. We also provide estate planning services to make sure all your end-of-life wishes are met. We will review your existing legal documents and provide recommendations for any changes you may wish to consider. Through sound financial advice, we can help reduce potential tax liabilities or other complications that could arise from passing on assets to heirs or other beneficiaries. Our goal is to ensure that you have an organized approach which offers peace of mind while ensuring the best possible outcome in the event of a loss.


Have The Future You Desire

With a customised financial life plan structured by one of our life insurance advisors, you can have the future you desire. With this plan tailor-made to meet your wants and needs, you will be able to work towards building wealth and achieving long-term goals. It is a good way of making sure that you are taking care of yourself and your money in the best way possible.

  1. Provide in the needs of your family.
  2. Ensure the financial security of your beneficiaries and protect their money.
  3. Assess the potential effects of disability or a debilitating illness and create a strategy to address them.
  4. Reduce expenses to the bare minimum.
  5. Choose executors or trustees for your estate.
  6. Reduce taxes and duties on your estate.
  7. Make sure your business runs smoothly and keep operations going without interruption.


An Organized Approach

We look at the many components of a life plan, including insurance and investments for retirement income. We also provide estate planning services to make sure all your end-of-life wishes are met. We will review your existing legal documents and provide recommendations for any changes you may wish to consider. Through sound financial advice, we can help reduce potential tax liabilities or other complications that could arise from passing on assets to heirs or other beneficiaries. Our goal is to ensure that you have an organized approach which offers peace of mind while ensuring the best possible outcome in the event of a loss.

Several factors could affect the cost of life insurance. The most important factor is the age of the insured person. Generally, the younger the person is, the lower the premiums will be. Other important factors include the health of the insured person, their occupation, income, qualification and whether or not they smoke. Life insurance rates can also be affected by things like recent changes in health status or a change in occupation. In all cases, life insurance companies will offer better rates for non-smokers.
Contact us for an appointment with a Life Insurance Broker Advisor.

Medical Aid, Medical Insurance and Medical Gap Cover Solution

We make adequate financial provision for cover for day-to-day medical expenses and hospitalisation possible with our Medical Aid, Medical Insurance and Gap Cover Solutions with Bonitas, Momentum and Discovery.

At Securitas™ Financial Group, our mission is to provide tailormade Health Solutions to employers and individuals. We take it upon ourselves to simplify medical scheme benefits and enlighten our customers, so they can make smart decisions concerning the utilisation of their health resources. Ultimately, we empower our clients to optimise their finances via savings on medical costs.

We strive to provide health cover solutions that offer comprehensive, affordable and easily accessible healthcare cover. We contract with leading medical aid providers so as to ensure our clients have a variety of options to choose from. Our well-trained consultants are available to provide advice on which solution works best for each client’s individual needs. At Securitas™ Financial Group, we understand how vital health coverage is in protecting one’s family and staff from illness and injury. As a result, we aim to simplify the process of getting top quality health cover at an affordable cost without compromising on service or quality. By working closely with our clients throughout their journey, we offer a straightforward and stress-free experience in securing Health Solutions tailored just for you.


Our Guiding Principles Towards Providing You With The Right Health Cover

We pride ourselves on offering competitive products, and making sure that we provide the best service to our clients. We have a team of highly qualified professionals dedicated to providing exceptional advice in all areas of medical aid, medical insurance and gap cover, including individual healthcare, group insurance and risk management. Our commitment is to ensure that you receive expert care and guidance when it comes to selecting the right plan for your needs.


Better Health:

We assist you in choosing a medical aid that is tailored to your requirements, with years of expertise and focused on improving the wellbeing of yourself and your family.


Better Experience:

With our assistance, you and your family can make informed decisions on how to choose a plan, manage benefits, and understand coverage to ensure that you all get the care necessary for a healthier and happier life. Utilising our simple tools and resources will make the process much smoother.


Better Cost Control:

With a wide range of medical aid, medical insurance and gap cover options to choose from and helpful cost-estimating tools available, you can find the coverage and care that best suits your budget.


Health Cover Solutions


Medical Aid

Medical aid covers a range of benefits, from private hospitalisation cover, chronic and/or cover for day-to-day benefits. You can choose from a wide variety of options to suite your individual needs, budget and lifestyle. Some of the benefits that could be included in medical aid cover include access to a wide range of private hospitals; cover for certain chronic illnesses or conditions that require ongoing treatment; hospitalisation cover; day-to-day benefits such as doctor visits, specialist consultations and medicine costs; maternity cover including antenatal care, delivery expenses and hospitalisation cover; comprehensive cancer cover or trauma support plans.

Medical aid cover could also provide additional services such as emergency evacuation should you become ill in another country, advice on health matters from professionals via call centre helplines, discounts on gym memberships and more.


Medical Insurance

Medical insurance is a type of health care coverage that takes care of the medical expenses of an individual or family. The policy holder is usually covered within a network of approved doctors, hospitals and pharmacies that have negotiated rates with the insurer. Medical treatments are paid according to formularies which stipulate how much the insurer will pay for each type of treatment or drug. Depending on the plan purchased, coverage may also include preventative health services like routine check-ups or vaccinations at no additional cost to the policy holder.


Gap Cover

Medical aid GAP Cover covers the in-hospital differences between what the practitioner charges and the amounts payable by your medical aid scheme. It is designed to ensure that you are fully covered during your stay in the hospital. It provides an additional financial layer of protection in the event that the medical scheme pays out less than what is charged by the hospital provider. GAP Cover could also help to reduce or possibly eliminate any excesses and/or co-payments, thereby ensuring that you have affordable access to quality healthcare services.

Comprehensive Business Insurance

Securitas™ Financial Group provides comprehensive business and commercial insurance solutions to cover your assets, from buildings and content, to stock and machinery. We will help protect your business against material damage caused by fire or natural disasters, as well as theft or malicious damage. And for added peace of mind, we also offer liability protection for claims due to negligence causing bodily injury or property damage. No matter what type of business you are in, we have an insurance solution that will fit your specific needs.

Our knowledgeable team can assist with assessing your risks and provide tailored solutions so that you feel secure knowing that your businesses is protected no matter what comes its way. We provide tailor-made advice and insights, as well as guiding you through the process of making a claim if necessary. We understand that no two businesses are alike and will strive to ensure that your unique needs are met with an appropriate solution.


Comprehensive Business Cover

We are committed to offering our business clients personalised advice and support throughout their entire insurance journey, from start to finish and we are driven by a commitment to innovation and superior customer service. With Securitas™ Financial Group on your side, all you need to focus on is running a successful business!


Business Insurance Solutions

Stock and Raw Materials

Fundamental to the continuity of your business operations are the stock and raw materials held within your premises. Protect them from possible destruction due to lightning, explosion, earthquake, storm, wind, water or hail damage.


Engineering and Construction

Get access to a fully comprehensive range of insurance cover for your engineering and construction projects. Examples of this could include protection against defective materials or worksmanship, or liability for personal injury arising from a construction site. Another option might be protection against faulty design, which would cover mistakes made in the architectural drawings and specifications provided by an architect or engineer during the course of the project, as well as protection against financial losses that arise due to unexpected delays caused by weather conditions or other unforeseen external factors.


Machinery and Equipment

Be prepared and protected in the case of loss or damage to any equipment, machinery or other possessions located on your business premises.



Buildings insurance covers the physical structure of the business premises that you own in the event of damage or destruction. This can include damage from weather, fires, and other disasters.


Vehicles and Fleets

Protect your business fleet against hijacking and accidental damage, as well as liability for damages to other people’s vehicles or injury to third parties in the event of an accident.

Cash Insurance

Secure your business from harm or detriment that could occur due to the robbery or hijacking of cash at your business location or during transit.


Content Insurance

Being prepared for the unpredictable is essential to guarantee the success and day-to-day operations of your business.


Goods In Transit

Protect your goods against loss or damage that could occur during their movement, whether locally or across borders.


Commercial Crime

This type of cover works to protect your business from any kind of fraud or embezzlement committed by employees. It also covers losses due to cybercrime and computer fraud, such as identity theft, hacking, phishing scams, and other online threats. In addition to employee dishonesty, this coverage may also include third-party crime such as the loss of funds resulting from contract disputes or fraudulent activities associated with vendors or customers.



Agricultural insurance helps farmers manage the financial impacts of a natural disaster or unforeseen event that could damage their crops. It provides protection against losses caused by failure of crops due to hail, drought, floods, and other perils as well as theft of livestock and machinery breakdowns.


Business Liability and Professional Indemnity

Liability insurance is typically designed to protect businesses from claims for financial losses that may arise due to injury or property damage caused by the company’s operations, products or services or legal liabilities arising from injuries sustained by employees during their work activities.

Professional indemnity insurance could provide cover for instances where a doctor or lawyer could be held responsible for medical malpractice or legal negligence. Similarly, an engineer may be found liable for failing to produce accurate and safe designs of buildings or products. Accountants can also be held accountable if they provide incorrect advice that leads to financial losses.

We Strive To Protect Your Business From Any Type Of Loss.

Contact us for an appointment with one of our experienced Business Insurance Brokers.

Comprehensive Personal Cover

Our goal is to give our customers access to bespoke car insurance, home insurance and buildings insurance solutions and be a dependable ally in managing financial risks.

At Securitas™ Financial Group, we understand the importance of having comprehensive personal cover. To that end, we work with only the most reputable insurers and create bespoke risk and financial solutions for each individual. Our knowledgeable advisors are on hand to provide sound advice and guide you in managing your personal portfolio. In an ever-changing world, you can count on Securitas™ to be by your side if something should go wrong; offering you security and peace of mind.

Aside from providing tailored services to meet individual requirements, Securitas™ also offers a wide range of products and services that help protect assets and ensure financial security. By partnering with leading insurers across South Africa, we have access to top-level insurance products. We also pride ourselves on being one of the most advanced insurance brokerages in the industry. Thanks to our pioneering technology platform, clients can easily manage their policies online or through an app at any time.


Easier Than Ever Before

We make it easier than ever before for policy holders to keep track of their policy information and make changes when needed – all while saving money! These are just some examples of how we are committed to helping clients get the best out of every situation by delivering superior protection and value for money. Whether you need assistance in finding the right cover or require more information about certain aspects related to your policy, Securitas™ will be there for you every step of the way.


Short-Term Personal Insurance Cover

Home Content Insurance

We understand that your possessions are not just material things to you. They hold value for you and bring you happiness. Insure them against life’s unforeseeable circumstances with the right cover tailored to your individual needs.


Home Insurance

Buildings insurance or Home insurance covers the physical structure of your home in the event of damage or destruction. This can include damage from weather, fires, and other disasters. Buildings insurance can also cover things like outbuildings and garages. If you have a bond on your home, buildings insurance is usually required by the lender.


Specialist Insurance

If you have something important that you need to insure, then you can trust us to provide the specialist insurance products that you require. We understand that not everything can be covered by a standard policy, which is why we offer bespoke solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s your home, your business, or your livelihood, we’ll do everything we can to help you protect it. So if it matters to you, it matters to us.


Car Insurance

Whether it’s a car, motorcycle, caravan, trailer, watercraft or specialist vehicle, it’s important to have the right level of vehicle insurance in place. This will protect you financially if your vehicle is stolen or damaged in an accident. It will also provide cover if you damage someone else’s property with your vehicle.


Liability Insurance

Liability insurance provides protection against claims for bodily injury or damage to property that may arise from negligence. This type of insurance can help cover the costs of legal fees and payouts if you are found to be legally responsible for such an incident. Without liability insurance, you could be facing a large financial burden if you are sued or held liable for an accident.

Trusted Medical Malpractice Insurance Policy

Med-Mal Cover South Africa

The number of medical malpractice claims in South Africa has been escalating, leading to an increase in annual insurance premiums.
We are able to facilitate superior products from premier Insurers, supported by world-renowned Reinsurers. We can source coverage for both individuals and groups. Whatever medical field you specialise in, a custom solution is available to fit your needs for trusted medical malpractice insurance.


Med-Mal Cover South Africa

The number of medical malpractice claims in South Africa has been escalating, leading to an increase in annual insurance premiums.

We are able to facilitate superior products from premier Insurers, supported by world-renowned Reinsurers. We can source coverage for both individuals and groups.

Whatever medical field you specialise in, a custom solution is available to fit your needs for trusted medical malpractice insurance.


Medical Malpractice Insurance Cover

Securitas™ Financial Group sources Medical Malpractice Insurance on your behalf from a variety of Insurance Providers.

The cost of medical malpractice insurance in South Africa varies according to the needs of your practice.

Your premiums will be highly competitive. You can customise your limit of indemnity from R1 000 000 to a maximum of R50 000 000.


Medical Liability Insurance

Protects healthcare providers against any medical negligence, error of emissions and public liability.


Timely Claim Coverage

The Insurers that we source Medical Malpractice cover from, offer two types of insurance policies: “Claims Made Based” and “Comprehensive (Occurrence Based)”. These policies start covering you from a specific date, known as the retroactive date. The policy holder is covered if someone makes a claim against him/her/them while the policy is active. It doesn’t matter when the alleged wrongful act happened provided that the policy holder was unaware of the matter prior to inception of the policy.

Create Greater Control And Confidence Over Financial Decisions

We are a proud provider of financial services. The team is committed to personalised service, supported by professional knowledge, ethics and integrity. Our aim is to establish a long-standing relationship with our clients by offering disciplined wealth management options to help investors create greater control and confidence over financial decisions. We believe in following a combined approach to wealth management that ensures an ideal level of asset management, coordination and strategic integration. We manage more than R1 billion in assets under management.


  • Securitas™ Investment Portfolios: Over a hundred years of combined investment experience.
  • Active Management: Analysing the client’s current situation, goals and objectives.
  • Strategic Financial Planning: Short- and long-term planning, pre- and post-retirement planning.
  • Professionalism: Well-established, qualified and experience team of advisors.
  • Weekly Market Overview: Weekly wealth newsletters to keep clients updated on the latest financial news.


Securitas™ Model Portfolio

Our model portfolios combine asset managers who are meticulously selected to make the best investment decisions. Resources, skills and competencies of more than one asset manager is used when constructing the portfolios.

We have designed active-managed model portfolios around our client’s investment needs and specific risk profiles.



  • Unit Trusts
  • Open-Ended Investments
  • Retirement Annuities
  • Living Annuities
  • Life Annuities
  • Endowments
  • Cash Management Accounts
  • Guaranteed Investments

Our preferred financial services provider